If you are one of the long time “Banjo-Believers” (like us), then sit back and release that breath you’ve been holding. Just announced at Nintendo’s E3 panel, Banjo-Kazooie been finally confirmed for the DLC roster. And they’re bringing some goodies with them!
Bottles assist trophy?
Though not entirely confirmed, Bottles made an guest appearance in the gameplay trailer. Fans suspect that he could be a DLC featured assist trophy. His ability however is unknown. Most fans believe he could function similar to Resetti, with impairing text-boxes as a call back to skipping his tutorial in the original game.

Others think that Bottles will merely be a feature on the new DLC map. Much like villagers on the Animal Crossing smash maps. While a handful believe that a Mumbo assist trophy could be in the works. Either way, we’re glad to have to our favorite near-sighted mole back!
Spiral Mountain Map
If the Grunty-Shaped skull didn’t give it away already, Spiral Mountain will be included for DLC. Fans hope that with Grunty flying around, she’ll say a few rhymes describing fighters similar to Snake’s codec and Palutena’s Guidance for Pit. Grunty could also serve as an obstacle on the map, destroying features and attacking mid-game. Speculation points to the mountain itself being the omega version of the map, while added bridges and features from the original game could help expanded it for larger use. Maybe even as a new 8-player sized map.
The Dynamic Duo’s DLC is set to release fall of this year.
Are you Raring to play Banjo in Ultimate? Did you catch all the easter eggs in the trailer? Share with us your hype in the comments below and subscribe to us on Patreon to stay in the know!