Today, WhisperGames announced that its next title, The Nameless: Slay Dragon, will head to Steam and Nintendo Switch this year. The game aims for a Q2 release for Steam with the Switch version coming afterwards. The RPG features a variety of different classes to level up as well as a multitude of choices in an enthralling story. The game features no random battles, which will allow players to experience the game at their own pace.
About The Nameless: Slay Dragon
Fully developed and created by one man Nameless Sword Studio, over three years, it is impressive in its visual presentation, along with the challenges it offers, with its stylised and sparkling visual effects!
The Nameless: Slay Dragon is a visually interesting turn-based RPG – In short – how to slay the immensely powerful and cunning evil dragon? You will play as a young man having a bloody feud with a dragon, and face powerful, sinister and tricky enemies with friends….
Exploration is as important as combat
Observe, listen, think, communicate, act – you need to use all possible skills to find your own path. Exploration is not only full of choices, but often require a bit of luck.
Classic turn-based + meaningful choices
Every action you take is meaningful, including knocking down enemies and using skills that will enhance your talents and allow you to learn new skills faster.
Free progression system
There are more than twenty classes with different mechanisms in the game, and the classes can co-exist. You can mix and match skills and traits to create unexpected chemical reactions.
Abundant skill customization
Sparks of inspiration can be obtained while fighting, exploring, cooking, even dreaming. Infuse the spark into a skill and eventually make it your own, creating a unique skill and naming it.
Rich craft system
You can use simple raw materials to build anything you want. Whether it’s a precious potion, a great invention, legendary equipment or overnight leftovers.
Real choices and multiple endings
Choices are very important in the game; some may have less impact and some may change the entire story.
More info for The Nameless: Slay Dragon will be released soon. Stay tuned for more gaming news here on Miso!