Android 18, originally dubbed ‘Lazuli‘, is the twin sister of Android 17 and is an experiment of Dr. Gero. Similar to Android 16, Lazuli was created due to Gero’s eternal vendetta against Son Goku.
After being resurrected by the Dragon Balls, Android 18 settles down with Krillin and has a child called Marron.
L → M → 2M → H
This combo, named ‘Bread‘, is the default combo that all characters can use. As such, it is one of the many efficient Bread and Butter combos in the game and can be followed up with a variety of different attacks, or a Super Dash.
L → M → H → 236 + SP.ATK
After hitting an enemy with the heavy attack, use Android 18’s Destructo Disc to further damage the airborne foe.
Double Trouble
(Requires 1 bar minimum)
This combo uses Android 17 to knock up the enemy. After using 18’s Back Grapple, follow up with a Super Dash to knock the enemy higher. Then, follow up with a jumping light attack, jumping heavy attack, and finally a jumping heavy attack.
Tag Team
(Requires 1 bar minimum)
214 + M → M → H → Super Dash → JM → JUMP DOWN H → 236 + R1
After calling 17 to rush the enemy, use a medium attack to confirm a heavy attack which will send the foe into the stage’s boundary. Then, pursuit with a Super Dash and use jumping medium attack to deny the victim recovery. Immediately afterwards, use 18’s jumping down heavy to knock the enemy upwards, finishing the combo with Android 18’s Energy Wave.
L → M → 2M → H
This combo, named ‘Bread‘, is the default combo that all characters can use. As such, it is one of the many efficient Bread and Butter combos in the game and can be followed up with a variety of different attacks, or a Super Dash.
L → M → H → 236 + SP.ATK
After hitting an enemy with the heavy attack, use Android 18’s Destructo Disc to further damage the airborne foe.
Double Trouble
(Requires 1 bar minimum)
This combo uses Android 17 to knock up the enemy. After using 18’s Back Grapple, follow up with a Super Dash to knock the enemy higher. Then, follow up with a jumping light attack, jumping heavy attack, and finally a jumping heavy attack.
(Requires 1 bar minimum)
214 + M → M → H → Super Dash → JM → JUMP DOWN H → 236 + R1
After calling 17 to rush the enemy, use a medium attack to confirm a heavy attack which will send the foe into the stage’s boundary. Then, pursuit with a Super Dash and use jumping medium attack to deny the victim recovery. Immediately afterwards, use 18’s jumping down heavy to knock the enemy upwards, finishing the combo with Android 18’s Energy Wave.
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Dragon Ball FighterZ is Owned by BANDAI NAMCO and all logos, character designs, character names and media is property of the aforementioned.